Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind...

Movies Wallpaper: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
                                                    Google images.

It took me forever to remember the entire title of this movie. Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. It is such a great movie title for an Art Film. It definitely makes you wonder what it is about. After watching the movie I now know that the confusing title reflects the confusing movie. Well confusing until the end. I had to pay close attention to the the story to catch all it's insights. The plot played off of it self and was very interesting. It was such an interesting concept what would really happen if you just erased someone from your memory. Would face really step in and lead you back together. I almost hope it would, but am not willing to find out for myself.  I don't think i would ever want to erase my memory. Even if you have hard times in a relationship there are always good ones to balance the bad times out.  Well this is what me and a friend had to talk about after watching the movie. Enjoy!

Shelby K says:
hey heather
Heather Hayworth says:
So what did you think about that movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Shelby K says:
i thought it was quite strange, it kept going back and forth between past and present and memories
Heather Hayworth says:
I know it was really confusing, i thought it would never make sense.
Shelby K says:
yea, ive seen movies like that before but i didnt expect the movie to be like that when it started, orginially I thought there was something wrong with the guy, that he had some sort of disorder or something that made him weird
Heather Hayworth says:
i was thinking that to i thought they both have mental problems, or something.
Shelby K says:
yea i kept trying to analyse this guy and his social situations and i was thinking that he must have some form of autsim
Heather Hayworth says:
yah he did seem to have difficulties interacting with people, the girl did as well though
I thought it was really interesting how the movie kept switching around, it made you want to pay attention to what was going on , so you didn't miss anything
Shelby K says:
yea you definatly get wraped up in the story because their are so many things going on, especially because the concept of erasing your memory is so strange it makes you watch to see how they attempt to do that. I thought it was going to end badly in the end, that he was going to wake up and remember her still
Heather Hayworth says:
I was thinking that to, the whole situation seem bound for disaster. it was so strange, it was something i would have never thought people would do or want to do
Shelby K says:
yea they make the concept to erasing your memory so easy though so its weird when you think about it in real life, but thats what makes the film unique, the way it is presented
did you notice those little potato head people?
Heather Hayworth says:
haha yes!
that was kinda funny, definitely something creative. do you they represented people?
Shelby K says:
yea she definatly had a whole family collection of them, at first when i saw them i thought they were kind of like voodoo dolls haha, so i was like oh man this girl is definatly crazy!
Heather Hayworth says:
oh haha really! thats so funny. i wouldn't be surprised if they were.
what did you think about the background music to the movie, i think it added to make it more of an art film
Shelby K says:
yea i noticed the music at the beginning when they were on the train, it was like not a happy sound, that would typically be in a movie, but it wasnt sad it just was unique in the fact that right off the bat it gave you this little suspisious feeling that something was different
Heather Hayworth says:
yah it did..
it change the whole feel of the movie... it wasn't a typical hollywood movie that's for sure
Shelby K says:
yea and usually they have more of a happy ending, where this movie i was like oh ok they know they erased their memory, but that was it they were just like oh ok, like it was no big deal
Heather Hayworth says:
yahh... i thought they would have reacted a little more to the whole thing
Shelby K says:
yea the way the blonde girl mary reacted was what i expected
Heather Hayworth says:
yes, she did act more like i typically would think. i guess thats why its more of an art film. it makes you think.
Shelby K says:
yea the way the movie presents it self is artistic in its own way, anyways, it was weird, but cool at the same time
Heather Hayworth says:
Yah it was. Something to think about.

Art Word of the Week: Space - the way in which the artist chooses to use the canvas, paper, objects,.

In this movie space can be seen by the way the film maker decided to cut the clips. It was shown when he cut clips short moving one to the next quickly, and in the flash backs he created. This movie was an example of using space as an element of the artistic elements of the movie.   

Urban Patterns

Walking down the street looking around there are so many patterns in the neighbourhoods around us. From the sidewalks, the escalators, to windows on a house their never seems to be a place where you can’t see patterns. The first pattern I noticed was the bricks on my house as I walked out the door. The bricks on my house are rectangular in shape, and have reds, and browns in their colour. The bricks line up horizontally across the outside of my house.

 After noticing the brick pattern on my house I began to look at other houses around me and their styles. There are so many different patterns and styles made with bricks. Patterns surround us.


In the Patterns I found, I noticed that they held balance. Balance can be achieved in two different ways.  One is through being, Symmetrical.  This is where shapes are evenly or equally balanced around some point, up or down, right or left, horizontally, vertically, radially, or diagonally. The other way is through being Asymmetrical, where objects are not evenly balanced around a point.  But using space can balance out a picture. 

The bricks that i found all represented symmetrical balance. 

ACTIVITY: Sponge Painting!
If you were to have a discussion with the children in your class about the patterns you see around the neigbourhood ,  bricks may be one of the patterns they notice. You could then have the kids in your class experiment with pattern making, using sponges and paint. You could provide the class with different shaped square and rectangle sponges to see what kind of brick patterns they can make. Give them different colour paint and they could make even more complex patterns with the colours they use as well.
This is sponge stamping.
Look for more painting ideas at

 Reference: Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmar

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 I have always like the saying A Picture is worth A Thousand Words. After our trip to the AGO last week i have decided that it applies to A Painting too. So...

Chevreuse II by Jean Paul Riopelle, 1950's

A Painting worth a thousand Words ...

  Amazing. Incredible. Colorful. Impressive. Huge. Massive.
 Time. Textured. Detailed. Thick. Fascinating . Movement.
 Crazy. Interesting. Intriguing. Line. Jaw Dropping. Awe. 
Yellow. Orange. Captivating. Colour Explosion. Red. Green.
Oil Paint. Canvas. Fan. Pink. Black. White. Wow. Chaotic.
 Blue. Patterned. Exploration. Imagination. Love It. Hours.
 Effort. Dedication.Cool. Creative.Wonder. Original.
 Real. Emotion. Circle. Rhythm. Variety. Inspiring.

ok well maybe not a thousand...

During our trip to the AGO, I came across an oil painting that i was FASCINATED by. It was a HUGE, MASSIVE, CANVAS that cover an entire wall.   The painting did not have any people, buildings or objects but to me appeared to look like a COULORFUL EXPLOSION. The OIL PAINT was layered THICKly across CANVAS in a FANning motion. Every FAN stroke was filled with a VARIETY of COLOURS. It had WHITE, RED, BLUE, GREEN, PINK, BLACKS... The painting to me appeared as though it may hold the artists various EMOTIONS, that as the COLOUR wove it self across the canvas, it held COLOURS that represented good times spent and rough times to. The THICK TEXTURE of the paint made the painting pop-out, and made you WONDER. How long did it take? How many hours were spent working on it? How many tubes of paint did he use? Did the artist start in the middle of the page and work his was out? Or did he work from one side of the page to the other?  It captured an experience this artist took, I felt as though i was EXPLORING his CREATIVE IMAGINATION. It was as if I had stumbled across a story that was told through the paintings COLOURS, LINES, SHAPES, and RHYTHM. 

I could have stood in front of the painting for hours, and still felt that I hadn't had enough time to explore and understand the entire painting. It made me WONDER.

The painting was called Chevreuse II, it was painted by Jean Paul Riopelle. He lived in Quebec in the 1950's. The painting took from 1953 to 1954 to complete. He used oil and a large canvas to create his work.  

Texture is the surface quality of a work of art, how it feels. (Schirrmacher& Fox, 2009)

Riopelle created an intriguing painting that was a true example of Texture. The thick paint made for a complex and interesting surface for it's viewers.

Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J.E. (2009). Art and creative development for young children (6th
Ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmar